TW 584

Maryam Saadvandi, Karl Meerbergen, and Elias Jarlebring
On dominant poles and model reduction of second order time-delay systems


The method known as the dominant pole algorithm (DPA) has previously been successfully used in combination with model order reduction techniques to approximate standard linear time-invariant dynamical systems and second order dynamical systems. In this paper, we show how this approach can be adapted to a class of second order delay systems, which are large scale nonlinear problems whose transfer functions have an infinite number of simple poles. Deflation is a very important ingredient for this type of methods. Because of the nonlinearity, many deflation approaches for linear systems are not applicable. We therefore propose an alternative technique that essentially removes computed poles from the system's input and output vectors. In general, this technique changes the residues, and hence, modifies the order of dominance of the poles, but we prove that, under certain conditions, the residues stay near the original residues. The new algorithm is illustrated by a numerical example.

report.pdf (524K) / mailto: M. Saadvandi